Monday, May 21, 2012

Weight Loss - Do's and Don'ts - Vital Knowledge

Metamucil Weight Loss - Weight Loss - Do's and Don'ts - Vital Knowledge
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Do you know about - Weight Loss - Do's and Don'ts - Vital Knowledge

Metamucil Weight Loss! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Whether you are trying to drop that one dress size for your wedding or your trying to shed a large amount of weight to save your life, you probably just want simple step by step guide based on facts. You don't want to join thousand dollar magic weight loss programs, read hundreds of pages full of technical jargon, Just to get anywhere. You want person to grab this ugly bag of snakes and lay it all out level for free.

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How is Weight Loss - Do's and Don'ts - Vital Knowledge

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Metamucil Weight Loss.

So I'm going to give you a simple list of do's and don'ts, based on what is factually proven to work, and Will work for you. The only catch is that it will require some hard work and discipline. Do not fall for those magic weight loss pills, or those silly workout apparatuses they show on day time Tv. The vast majority are absolute nonsense. So here we go.

The must know list of Don'ts

1# Starving Yourself - Never Ever starve yourself. The biggest myth linked with weight loss is "the less I eat, the skinnier I'll get". Don't think by starving I mean days without food. I mean skipping meals like morning meal or lunch. Why is this bad? Because your metabolism starts to drop when you go for anymore than 3 - 4 hours without food. Your body is smart, if it detects you going without food for more than 4 hours it goes into survival mode, and stops burning fat as effectively, in order to store nutrients. Solution? Eat small meals every three to four waking hours. That's right! Eat 5 - 6 medium size meals a day beginning from no later then 7am.

A few tips - Make sure you have protein in every meal (fish or red meat - will raise metabolism) and Eliminate sugars & white flour. No grains or cereals after lunch (no rice, pasta etc). Regain your carbohydrates through fruits and vegetables. Only use olive oils, eliminate vegetable, sunflower oil from your diet. Be cautious with this as vegetable oil is in nearly everything

2# Sticking Just To Cardio - You must also hit the weights room, not just stick to cardio. Wholesome strong muscles will keep your metabolism up. This is a big qoute with women in particular, who think if they touch weights they will bulk up and look butch. This is a Myth. Those women you see on Body construction magazines are mostly genetic freaks who take steroids like it's candy. Even most males will never look like that on an midpoint weights program.

A few tips - Stick to no more than 5 repetitions on most equipment. Heavy weights with low reps are the way to go. Not light weights with high reps. If you cant afford gym membership, stick to ground work e.g. Push-ups, sit-ups etc. Check for ideas. Stick to 2 - 3 sessions a week (1/2 - 1 hr).

The must know list of Do's

1# Constant Cardio - Fast walk or slow jog is the best form of weight loss. Why? Your using your bodyweight against gravity, hence it uses a lot of energy. This must be done in 30 minutes to an hour non stop. I'm sure you don't want me to harp on with the mechanics of it all, but fat burning doesn't surely kick in until the 20 puny mark. So don't waste your time with 5 minutes on a treadmill. If your highly obese, just do what you can and gently lift the time each week. You should be aiming for 5 session a week.

2# Mix It Up - After a few weeks your body may start adjusting to the rehearsal and while it will still work it may come to be less effective. Here are some tips to combat this - Substitute a jog/walk session for swimming. Swimming works out more muscles than nearly any other sport. Its a great way to keep your muscles lean. Do not do the same gym rehearsal more than once a week, so your body won't adapt. Add some other sporting action such as boxing, dancing etc.

3# Wholesome Eating - I have already touched on most of this with my first point on not starving yourself. But a few additional tips would be, Know the contrast between good and bad fats. To most fat is fat, which is incorrect. The fats you need to stay away from are vegetable oils, refined sugars (and there sweetener substitutes). Good fats are animal fats e.g. Chicken skin, butter, lard etc. It is fine to have them in your diet but keep them in moderation. Fruit and vegetable need to make up the majority of your diet. If you find your not getting enough fibre in your system because your cutting out clear food groups take a supplement like Metamucil. How will you know if your not getting enough fibre? Constipation is the best indicator.

Well that is how to loose weight in a nut shell. I was very brief on some of these points so I'm likely strengthen on them in future articles, but I did get my point across. My best word of guidance for population trying to loose weight is don't make excuses, especially in regards to time. Make the time, wake up an hour early or miss your usual time in front of the Tv. Statistics have shown that the midpoint American watches 5 hours of Tv a day and it's probably no distinct in my country either. Have a workout partner, account for what you are doing to your friends or spouse so they can help keep you motivated, because I understand its not easy.

But most of all, have fun exercising. You may find it difficult at times, but always look at the big picture and stay strong. Your life will turn for the great if you stick to my proven weigh loss tips.

Have a great day.

Note: Because its hard for me to account varying ages and healing conditions, I propose you see your family physician before attempting any nutritional or training program

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